
Cranial Nerves

The Human brain comprises 12 cranial nerves. It arises from the brain. In these, some of the nerves are sensory, motor, or mixed nerve. Your brain, face, neck, and torso get electrical signals from your cranial nerves. Your cranial nerves aid in the senses of taste, smell, hearing, and touch. They also aid with tongue movement, eye blinking, and facial emotions.

Olfactory CN I

It is the first nerve that is a sensory nerve. It is involved in sense of smell.

Optic CN II

Sensory nerve which is involved in vision.

Oculomotor CN III

It is a motor nerve. It has muscle function and pupil response.

Trochlear CN IV

It is a somatic motor nerve, which has command on superior oblique muscle.

Trigeminal CN V

Largest cranial nerve which has both sensory and motor function. Trigeminal nerve split into three branches: ophthalmic (supply to upper part of face), maxillary (supply to middle part of face) and mandibular (supply to lower part of face) branches.

Abducens CN VI

It is a motor nerve which supply to lateral rectus muscle. Involves in outward movement of eye.

Facial CN VII

Provides both sensory and motor function. This nerve supply to the muscles of fascial expression.

Vestibulocochlear CN VIII

Special sensory nerve which involves in hearing and balance.

Glossopharyngeal CN IX

It is a mixed nerve. It provides a sense of taste for the back part of tongue.

Vagus CN X

Vagus nerve have both sensory and motor functions. It supply to muscles of pharynx and larynx and sensory supply to external ear.

Spinal Accessory CN XI

It is a motor nerve which supply to trapezius and sternocleidomastoid muscle.

Hypoglossal CN XII

This muscle involved in movement of tongue muscle.

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