

Kidney is an organ that filters the waste fluids from our body. We have two kidneys in our body, they are allocated at our back. The difference is that the left kidney is slightly upper than the right kidney. Kidneys are wrapped in the peritoneum (a layer that is a boundary wall of kidney). Nephron are the functional and basic units (like cells in our whole body) of kidney to work properly.

Kidney Transplant

Kidney Transplant is the process which has to come in action if a person’s kidney has been damaged or destroyed. Kidneys are damaged when a person eats wrong things and very spicy foods or he drinks water which contains toxic substances in it.

What is Kidney Transplant?

A Process in which a person borrows the kidney of his donor to get well. During a kidney transplant there are lot of issues Doctors and Surgeons have to face one of them is mentioned below:

  • Donors and Patients blood group do not match.

This is one of the big problem which is there when a patient is in need of Donors Kidney. Many Donors are available but the blood group doesn’t match with each other.

If surgeons do the transplant and the blood group was not matching, the patient will get reaction and inside the body there will be the fighting of WBCs (White Blood Cells) and the cells of donor’s blood group. But in some cases people don’t get a reaction but their WBCs are inactive until the donors blood group cells are not matched with it.

When the process is done it is mandatory for the patient to rest, so that he can get settled with his kidneys.

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