
Big Data – Activities

  • Define Big Data Strategy and Business Needs

An organization’s Big Data strategy needs to be aligned with and support its overall business strategy and business requirements and be part of its data strategy. Big Data Strategy

  • Choose Data Sources
    • The difference with Big Data / Data Science development is that the range of data sources is wider. It is not limited by format and can include data both external to and internal to an organization. Big Data environments make it possible to quickly ingest lots of data, but to use that data and manage it over time, it is still necessary to know basic facts:
      • Its origin
      • Its format
      • What the data elements represent
      • How it connects to other data
      • How frequently it will be updated
    • Review the available data sources, and the processes that create those sources and manage the plan for new sources.
      • Foundational data: Consider foundational data components such as POS (Point of Sale) in a sales analysis.
      • Granularity: Ideally, obtain data in its most granular form (not aggregated). That way it can be aggregated for a range of purposes.
      • Consistency: If possible, select data that will appear appropriately and consistently across visualizations, or recognize limitations.
      • Reliability: Choose data sources that are meaningful and credible over time. Use trusted, authoritative sources.
      • Inspect/profile new sources: Test changes before adding new data sets. Unexpected material or significant changes in visualization outcomes can occur with the inclusion of new data sources.
    • Risks associated with data sources include privacy concerns. The ability to rapidly ingest and integrate data from a variety of sources at scale affords communities the ability to recombine data sets that were otherwise secured. Similarly, the published analysis may describe, through summary, aggregate, or modeled state, a sub-set of the public that make it suddenly identifiable; this is a side effect of the ability to perform mass computation on very large populations, but publish to a very specific local or region.
  • Acquire and Ingest Data Sources
    • Once the sources are identified, they need to be found, sometimes purchased, and ingested (loaded) into the Big Data environment. During this process, capture critical Metadata about the source, such as its origin, size, currency, and additional knowledge about content. Many ingestion engines profile data as it is ingested, providing analysts with at least partial Metadata. Once the data is in a data lake, it can be assessed for suitability for multiple analysis efforts. Because building Data Science models is an iterative process, so is data ingestion. Iteratively identify gaps in the current data asset base and onboard those sources. Explore these data sources using profiling, visualization, mining, or other Data Science methods to define model algorithm inputs, or model hypotheses.
    • Before integrating the data, assess its quality. Assessment can be as simple querying to find out how many fields contain null values, or as complex as running a data quality toolset or data analytic utility against the data to profile, classify, and identify relationships between data elements. Such assessment provides insight into whether the data provides a valid sample from which to work, and, if so, how the data can be stored and accessed (scattered across logical processing units [MPP], federated, distributed by key, etc.). This work involves SMEs (usually the data scientists themselves) and platform engineers.
    • The assessment process provides valuable insight into how the data can be integrated with other data sets, such as Master Data or historical warehouse data. It also provides information that can be used in model training sets and validation activities.
  • Develop Data Hypotheses and Methods
    • Data Science is about building answer sets that can find meaning or insights within the data. The development of Data Science solutions entails building statistical models that find correlations and trends within and between data elements and data sets. There will be multiple answers to a question based upon inputs to a model.
    • Models often have more than one variable so the best practice is to find deterministic outcomes – or in other words, use best guesses as to the values to be expected. However, best guesses themselves should be educated. Each model will operate depending on the analysis method chosen. It should be tested for a range of outcomes, even the ones that appear least probable.
    • Models depend on both the quality of input data and the soundness of the model itself. Data models can often give insight into how to correlate the information found. An example of this is using K-Means clustering to determine the number of groupings of data to analyze further.
  • Integrate / Align Data for Analysis
    • Preparing the data for analysis involves understanding what is in the data, finding links between data from the various sources, and aligning common data for use.
    • In many cases, joining data sources is more an art than a science. For example, consider one data set based upon daily updates and another based upon monthly updates. The daily data, in order to be aligned, would have to be aggregated so that there would be an alignment pattern that could be used in the Data Science investigation.
    • One method is to use a common model that integrates the data using a common key. Another way is to scan and join data using indexes within the database engines for similarity and record linkage algorithms and methods. Often data is inspected during the initial phases to understand how the data could be analyzed. Clustering helps determine the grouping of the data outputs. Other methods can find correlations that will be used to build the model to display results. Consider using techniques during the initial phases that will aide in understanding how the model will show results once published.
  • Explore Data Using Models
    • Populate Predictive Model: Configuring predictive models includes pre-populating the model with historical information concerning the customer, market, products, or other factors that are included in the model other than the triggering factor. Prepopulation calculations are usually performed in advance to enable the fastest response to triggering events. In predicting behavior of retail markets, historical price and price change information are combined with customer, demographic, and weather information.
    • Train the Model
      • Execute the model against the data in order to ‘train’ the model. Training includes repeated runs of the model against the data to verify assumptions. Training will result in changes to the model. Training requires balance. Avoid over-fitting by training against a limited data fold.
      • Model validation must be complete before transitioning to production. Address any population imbalances or data biases with model offsets that are trained and validated; this can be tweaked in production as the initial offset is gradually adjusted through actual population interactions. Optimizing feature mix can be accomplished with Bayesian co-selection, classifier inversion, or rule induction. Models can also be combined for ensemble learning where the predictor model is built by combining the collected strengths of simpler models.
      • Identifying outliers or anomalies (data objects that do not comply with the general behavior exhibited by the studied elements) is critical to the evaluating the model. For more volatile datasets, apply a variance test based on the average and standard deviation. Both tests can be readily applied on profiled results. It may be that the outliers are the target of the exercise, as opposed to finding and validating trends in the majority of the data.
      • For predictive analytics, use a real-time data stream to finish the population of the predictive model and trigger a response, which might be an alert or an event.
      • Real-time operational analytics solutions frequently require substantial amounts of new architecture and development and could possibly not be cost effective.
    • Evaluate Model
      • Once the data is placed onto a platform and ready for analysis, the Data Science begins. The model is constructed, evaluated against training sets, and validated. It is entirely possible that testing a new hypothesis will require additional data sets.
      • Data scientists run queries and algorithms against the data to see if any insights become apparent. Often times a number of different mathematical functions will be run to see if any insight is found (clusters in the data, patterns that start to emerge between data element periods, etc.). During this period, data scientists are often building upon insights found in iterative batches. From these, models can be developed that display the correlation between data elements and insights.
      • There is an ethical component to practicing Data Science and it needs to be applied when evaluating models. Models can have unexpected results or unintentionally reflect the assumptions and biases of the people who create them. Ethical training should be required for all artificial intelligence (AI) practitioners. Ideally, the curriculum for every student learning AI, computer science, or Data Science should include ethics and security topics. However, ethics alone is not sufficient. Ethics can help practitioners understand their responsibilities to all stakeholders, but ethical training needs to be augmented with the technical capability to put good intentions into practice by taking technical precautions as a system is built and tested.
    • Create Data Visualizations
      • Data visualization based on the model must meet the specific needs related to the purpose of the model. Each visualization should answer a question or provide an insight. Establish the purpose and parameters for the visualization: a point in time status, trends vs. exceptions, relationships between moving parts, geographical differences, or some other point.
      • Select the appropriate visual to fulfill that purpose. Ensure that the visualization addresses an audience; adjust the layout and complexity to highlight and simplify accordingly. Not all audiences are ready for a complex interactive chart. Support visualizations with explanatory text.
      • Visualizations should tell a story. Data ‘story telling’ can link new questions to the context of data exploration. Data stories must be supported by related data visualizations to have the best effect.
  • Deployment and Monitoring
    • A model that meets business needs in a feasible manner can be deployed to production for ongoing monitoring. Such models will require refinement and maintenance. Several modeling techniques are available for implementation. Models can serve batch processes as well as real-time integration messages. They can also be embedded into analytics software as input into decision management systems, historical analysis, or performance management dashboards.
      • Expose Insights and Findings: The presentation of findings and data insights, usually through data visualization, is the final step in a Data Science investigation. Insights should be connected to action items so that the organization benefits from the Data Science work. New relationships may be explored through data visualization techniques. As a model is used, changes in the underlying data and relationships may surface, telling a new story about the data.
      • Iterate with Additional Data Sources: The presentation of findings and data insights usually generates questions that start a new process of research. Data Science is iterative, so Big Data development is iterative to support it. This process of learning from a specific set of data sources often leads to the need for different or additional data sources to both support the conclusions found and to add insights to the existing model(s).

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