
Big Data – Cloud Solutions and Statistical Computing

  • Big Data – Cloud Solutions: There are vendors who provide cloud storage and integration for Big Data, including analytic capabilities. Based on defined standards, customers load their data a cloud environment. The vendor enhances the data, either as open data sets or as provided by other organizations. The customer can do analytics and Data Science using the combined data set. One application uses retail offers as the subject for the data, combines it with geographic and sales data, and offers airline miles for customers who agree to have their data used in this way.
  • Statistical Computing and Graphical Languages: R is an open source scripting language and environment for statistical computing and graphics. It provides a wide variety of statistical techniques such as linear and nonlinear modeling, classical statistical tests, time-series analysis, classification, and clustering. Because it is a scripting language, models developed in R can be implemented in a variety of environments, differing platforms and collaborated development across multiple geographic and organizational boundaries. The R environment can also produce publication-quality plots, including mathematical symbols and formulae, within the control of the end user.

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