Data-Driven approach says, to make strategic decisions based on facts rather than opinions. Decisions become more smarter, if it is based on meaningful inside, extracted by doing a depth Data …
Data Management – Reporting vs. Analysis
For Your Further Reading: Data Quality Program – Implementation Guidelines Predictive Analytics Vs. Prescriptive Analytics Services-Based Architecture – SBA
Organization / Enterprise Ontology and Taxonomy
With the growing amount of information created every day, effective Data Management is a key business requirement for Data-Driven Organization as a part of a well implemented strategy. Both Ontology …
Data Modeling – Conceptual, Logical and Physical Model – CDM, LDM and PDM
Data Modeling is the process of creating an illustrative and visual representation of either a whole information/database system or parts of it to show the relationships among data types, the …
Smart KPI Strategy – Key Performance Indicator
The KPI term is more popularized, and as the name suggests KPI is a Progress and Performance Measurement tool. KPIs is used to assess and evaluate the success of an …
NoSQL Column-Oriented Database – Columnar Database – Column Store Database – C-Store
NoSQL Column-Oriented Database is also known/called Columnar Database, Column Store Database and C-Store. Column-Oriented Systems have been developed as Hybrids Capable for both OLTP and OLAP operations with some of …
Key-Value Store or Key-Value Database (NoSQL – Non-Relational Database)
Legacy relational databases stores data in rows and columns, whereas NoSQL distributed databases allowing a solution per use case. A Key-Value pair is two pieces of data associated with each …
No-SQL Document-Oriented Database (Document Database or Document Store)
Document-Oriented Database also called Document Store or Document Database. Document Database is a Database that stores information in documents. Document Databases are general-purpose Databases that can be used in a …
JSON and NoSQL JSON Document Database
JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight, popular textual data format that’s used for exchanging data in modern web and mobile applications. JSON is completely language independent. JSON data is …
What is IoT – Internet of “Things” ?
Today, Physical World meets the Digital World—and they cooperate each other. The term IoT, or Internet of Things, refers to the collective network of connected billions of physical devices around …