
Big Data – MPP Shared-nothing Technologies and Architecture

MPP has evolved because traditional computing paradigms (indexes, distributed data sets, etc.) did not provide acceptable response times on massive tables. Massively Parallel Processing (MPP) Shared-nothing Database technologies have become the standard platform for Data Science-oriented analysis of Big Data sets. In MPP databases, data is partitioned (logically distributed) across multiple processing servers (computational nodes), with each server having its own dedicated memory to process data locally.

Communication between processing servers is usually controlled by a master host and occurs over a network interconnect. There is no disk sharing or memory contention, hence the name, ‘shared-nothing’.
Consider now a number of commodity hardware servers, all lined up in a row and controlled via a host. Each is sent part of the query to run against this segmented or distributed trillion-row table.

This type of computing architecture is linearly scalable, which adds to the appeal for data scientist and Big Data users requiring a scalable platform to incorporate growth. This technology also enabled in-database analytical functions – the ability to execute analytical functions (like K-means Clustering, Regression, etc.) at the processor level. Distribution of workload to the processor level greatly speeds up analytical queries – thereby fueling innovation in Data Science.

A system that automatically distributes data and parallelizes query workloads across all available (localized) hardware is the optimum solution for Big Data analytics.

MPP makes it easy to expand the parallelism of hundreds or thousands of cores across an ever-growing pool of machines. A massively parallel, shared-nothing architecture fully uses each core, with linear scalability and increased processing performance on large data sets.

In-Database Algorithms: An in-database algorithm uses the principle that each of the processors in a MPP Shared-nothing platform can run queries independently, so a new form of analytics processing could be accomplished by providing mathematical and statistical functions at the computing node level. Opensource libraries of scalable in-database algorithms for machine learning, statistics, and other analytical tasks were designed both for in-and out-of-core execution, and for the shared-nothing parallelism offered by modern parallel database engines, ensuring that computation is done close to the data. By moving the computation closer to the data, the computing time is dramatically reduced for complex algorithms (such as K-means Clustering, Logistic or Linear regression, Mann-Whitney U Test, Conjugate Gradient, Cohort Analysis, etc.).

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