Policies provide guidelines for behavior. They do not outline every possible contingency. Standards supplement policies and provide additional detail on how to meet the intention of the policies. Define Data …
Data Management – Data Security Policy
Organizations should create data security policies based on business and regulatory requirements. A policy is a statement of a selected course of action and high-level description of desired behavior to …
Data-Driven Approach and Data-Driven Organization
Data-Driven approach says, to make strategic decisions based on facts rather than opinions. Decisions become more smarter, if it is based on meaningful inside, extracted by doing a depth Data …
Data Management – Reporting vs. Analysis
For Your Further Reading: Data Quality Program – Implementation Guidelines Predictive Analytics Vs. Prescriptive Analytics Services-Based Architecture – SBA
Organization / Enterprise Ontology and Taxonomy
With the growing amount of information created every day, effective Data Management is a key business requirement for Data-Driven Organization as a part of a well implemented strategy. Both Ontology …
Data Modeling – Conceptual, Logical and Physical Model – CDM, LDM and PDM
Data Modeling is the process of creating an illustrative and visual representation of either a whole information/database system or parts of it to show the relationships among data types, the …
Smart KPI Strategy – Key Performance Indicator
The KPI term is more popularized, and as the name suggests KPI is a Progress and Performance Measurement tool. KPIs is used to assess and evaluate the success of an …
What is IoT – Internet of “Things” ?
Today, Physical World meets the Digital World—and they cooperate each other. The term IoT, or Internet of Things, refers to the collective network of connected billions of physical devices around …
NoSQL Graph Database
Between the four main NoSQL Databases, the NoSQL Graph Database is capable of integrating heterogeneous data from many sources and making links between large datasets. It focuses on the relationships …
NoSQL Databases
Either to say the term “NoSQL” stands for “non-SQL” or it stands for “not only SQL.”, we do agree (in either case) that NoSQL Databases are Databases that store data …