
Sentiment Analysis and Data/Text Mining

Sentiment Analysis

Media monitoring and text analysis are automated methods for retrieving insights from large unstructured or semi-structured data, such as transaction data, social media, blogs, and web news sites. This is used to understand what people say and feel about brands, products, or services, or other types of topics. Using Natural Language Processing (NLP) or by parsing phrases or sentences, semantic analysis can detect sentiment and also reveal changes in sentiment to predict possible scenarios.
Consider the case of looking for key words in a posting. If the words good or great are present, this might be a positive response, versus seeing awful or bad might be signs that this could be a negative response. Categorizing the data into the types of responses, the ‘sentiment’ of the whole community or posting (social media such as Twitter, blogs, etc.) is exposed. That said, sentiment is not easily gained, as the words by themselves do not tell the whole story (i.e., I had a Great problem with their customer service). Sentiment must interpret words in context. This requires an understanding of the meaning of the post – this interpretation often requires work using NLP functions.

Data and Text Mining

Data Mining is a particular kind of analysis that reveals patterns in data using various algorithms. It began as an offshoot from Machine Learning, a sub-field of Artificial Intelligence. The theory is a subset of statistical analysis known as unsupervised learning where algorithms are applied to a data set without knowledge or intent of the desired outcome. While standard query and reporting tools ask specific questions, data mining tools help discover unknown relationships by revealing patterns. Data mining is a key activity during the exploration phase as it facilitates rapid identification of studied data elements, identifies new relationships previously unknown, unclear, or unclassified, and provides structure for the classification of studied data elements.

Text Mining analyzes documents with text analysis and data mining techniques to classify content automatically into workflow-guided and SME-directed ontologies. Thus, electronic text media can be analyzed without restructuring or reformatting. Ontologies can be linked into search engines, allowing for web-enabled querying against these documents. Data and text mining use a range of techniques, including:

  • Profiling: Profiling attempts to characterize the typical behavior of an individual, group, or population. Profiling is used to establish behavioral norms for anomaly detection applications, such as fraud detection and monitoring for intrusions to computer systems. Profile results are inputs for many unsupervised learning components.
  • Data Reduction: Data reduction replaces a large data set with a smaller set of data that contains much of the important information in the larger set. The smaller data set may be easier to analyze or process.
  • Association: Association is an unsupervised learning process to find relationships between studied elements based on transactions involving them. Examples of association include: Frequent item set mining, rule discovery, and market-based analysis. Recommendation systems on the internet use this process as well.
  • Clustering: Clustering group elements in a study together by their shared characteristics. Customer segmentation is an example of clustering.
  • Self-Organizing Maps: Self-organizing maps are a neural network method of cluster analysis. Sometimes referred to as Kohonen Maps, or topologically ordered maps, they aim to reduce the dimensionality in the evaluation space while preserving distance and proximity relationships as much as possible, akin to multi-dimension scaling. Reducing the dimensionality is like removing one variable from the equation without violating the outcome. This makes it easier to solve and visualize.

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