About us

About Us

Our Objective

Education has an immense impact, not only on a single individual but on several generations to come, by reducing poverty, improving quality of life and enhancing one’s outlook on life. BillimBase has been created with the sole aim to enable people all over the world to learn, and change their own lives as well as the lives around them for the better. We, along with our partners, collaborators and instructors, are working towards a more cultivated and enlightened world where education will be a right, not a privilege; where students would have the opportunity to choose the instructor that they prefer amongst various others from all across the world. This exposure will provide a greater surface area for both personal as well as field-related growth and development.

Core Values

We, at BillimBase, approach our goal of easily obtainable education with persistence, focus, dedication and determination in all aspects of our journey. We maintain a strong hold on our core values, which define our work ethics and our conduct with partners, collaborators, employees and platform users. The core principles or values on which BillimBase operates are:


We are constantly striving towards our ambition while simultaneously being committed to understanding our students’ interests, and then working together with our partners, collaborators, and instructors to meet those interests. Our team is committed to excellence in achieving the desired outcome, and henceforth works relentlessly to resolve all queries, concerns, and/or complaints submitted by our users.

Efficiency & Reliability

We seek to provide a wonderful user experience along with efficiency in the delivery of our services. This is accomplished by cautiously selecting content to be published and closely monitoring the use of that content. Be it the instructors’ interface of the platform or the students’, our team aspires to achieve exceptional functionality as well as reliability. This is achieved through rigorous testing under various simulated scenarios and circumstances.


The purpose of this venture is to deliver high quality of education which is not physically available at every geographic location in the world. Thereby, instructors’ submitted content is evaluated against a set of defined standards and then is only published on our platform if it clears all steps of inspection and verification.

Ownership & Accountability

We own, accept and take pride in what we deliver. We also hold ourselves accountable for our decisions and actions with regards to the platform. However, ownership and accountability doesn’t imply the absence of any and all possible errors. In fact, mistakes are inevitable where humans are concerned, which is why we endeavour to rectify any faults, blunders, miscalculations and/or misunderstandings that might result from our intentional or unintentional actions.


The best results are obtained with joint effort and we, at BillimBase, celebrate diversity in our work environment. The entire vision behind an online platform that enables students to learn from instructors all across the world, is based on the viewpoint that diversity brings about the best results. Different cultures bring different perspectives to the table and aid in tremendous professional as well as intellectual growth and development.