Trust and safety

Trust and Safety Policies

You warrantee that you will comply with all our terms, policies and any additional content quality maintenance guidelines imposed by BillimBase occasionally. You are advised to look into and study such terms and policies sporadically to make certain that you’re not violating the upgraded version.

BillimBase has the right to block instructors who fail to abide by our terms and policies, even take off their content and delay or terminate their payouts, due to any cause at any moment, without any preceding warning. Following are some scenarios in which the aforementioned might occur:

  • An instructor’s conduct that may present BillimBase in a negative light or may bring us public dishonour, censure, disrespect, notoriety, defamation or abhorrence.
  • The uploaded content has adverse or unfavourable effects on the student experience or isn’t up to mark with our quality standards.
  • Any uploaded content or its instructor fails to abide by our legal conditions, terms and policies.
  • An instructor utilizes the services offered by any third party that contravenes BillimBase’s terms and policies.
  • We decide to do so at our discretion.

Co-instructors and Assistants

At BillimBase, you are allowed to include other users as teaching assistants and coinstructors for the course and content you offer. You agree that by including a teaching assistant or a co-instructor, you are permitting them to perform tasks that influence your content as well as your account. Therefore, infringement of our terms and policies on behalf of your teaching assistant or co-instructor shall also affect your content and BillimBase account. BillimBase is incapable of responding to any query or intervening in any disagreement between you and your teaching assistant or co-instructor. Given that your teaching assistants are allocated a revenue share, the amount of that share will be remitted from your earned revenue share, depending upon the ratios defined by you in your content management settings at the time of purchase.

Relations with Other Users

Instructors and students are not directly involved in a contract, which is why students’ information is only provided to instructors via our Services. You concur that you will not use a student’s information provided to you by BillimBase, for any reason other than offering your services to that student through our platform, and that you will not seek any further personal information regarding any student or save any student’s personal information outside BillimBase. In case of any claim emerging from your utilization of a student’s personal information, you agree to compensate BillimBase.

Efforts for No Piracy

To secure your content against piracy and illicit use, BillimBase collaborates with anticounterfeiting vendors. You expressly nominate BillimBase and our anti-counterfeit vendors to activate this feature and enforce copyrights for your content in the form of takedown notice and other procedures. You also authorize BillimBase and our anti-counterfeit vendors to submit takedown notices for you, on the grounds of copyright infringement.

Unless you revoke the aforementioned rights by emailing us, we and our anti-counterfeit vendors will continue to preserve them. To revoke these rights, you must email us from the email address linked to your BillimBase account, with “Revocation of Anti-Counterfeit Rights” as the subject. It will take us 48 hours (from the receipt of your request) to officially revoke these rights. 


As a BillimBase instructor, you are bound by the following conditions.

You warrantee that you will:

  • terminate the usage of our trademarks as soon as we demand you to do so;
  • utilize our trademarks solely for the purpose of advertising and selling your content (that you have uploaded) on our platform;
  • utilize just the images of the trademarks provided to you by BillimBase.

You warrantee that your usage of our trademarks will not:

  • breach applicable law;
  • be deceptive, delusive or derogatory;
  • be linked to any offensive, indecorous, inappropriate or illegal subject or matter;
  • suggest that BillimBase recommends, supports or sanctions your uploaded content or offered services