Instructions courses

Instructions Regarding Courses

Users should follow a set of clearly specified instructions, and their content should meet the minimum standard to be published on BillimBase’s platform.

To upload and successfully publish your content on our platform, you must follow each of the proceeding instructions:

  1. select the category of your course;
  2. select the level of your course;
  3. select the sub-category of your course;
  4. select the primary subject of your course;
  5. select the primary subject of your course;
  6. upload a course image;
  7. upload an instructor image;

Make sure your course:

  1. has a minimum of 30 minutes of video content;
  2. is comprised of at least 5 distinct lectures;
  3. has content for each of its lectures;
  4. has a description comprising of at least 50 words;
  5. has a subtitle;
  6. contains an instructor description of at least 50 words;

Once you have successfully submitted your content to be published, you will have to wait for it to be approved by our team. It will take our team around six days to review your content, during which we will closely evaluate it to ensure that it abides by all the instructions, guidelines and standards mentioned on this page.